
PhotobucketI have some awards that I received that I need to post.

This first one is from Moomettesgram’s Musings. She has a great blog that really covers everything from e-commerce and Networking to Parenting and Grandparenting tips. She started this award as a way to celebrate “how far Women have come – and how much farther they can go!”

Thank you so very much Cindi!!

The next award I received came from Vickie. She is such a great bloggy friend and I’m so happy we met!!!

This award is for bloggers who display any of the items below:

1.The blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
2.The blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3.There is a clear purpose at the blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economics, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs.
4.The blog is refreshing and creative.
5.The blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

Now I’m supposed to tell you what my blog has accomplished… for me… my blog has introduced me to a world I didn’t know about, something outside of my four walls. Through it I have met a great bunch of women! I’m so happy about that!

I pass this on to:

So Not Mom-a-licious
Dore’s Diaries

Thanks Vickie!!

Finally I would like to introduce and award of my own…

It’s the Gold Star award.

There are no rules attached and the person receiving it can pass it on to anyone (or two, or three) they feel deserves to be recognized… be it for their friendship, their support, their blogs content, whatever you think they deserve a gold star for.
I just ask that if choose to pass it on let me know who you give it to, that way I can put a list up of all the gold star blogs out there.

I am giving this award to Vickie. She is such a great bloggy buddy and always has nice things to say, for this reason I feel she deserves a Gold Star!