Fabric, Fiber, & Floss

Age of Brass and Steam shawl in beige yarn

Age of Brass and Steam take two

A few months ago I knit myself an Age of Brass and Steam shawl for myself… only to finish it and realize that 1) it was smaller than I had wanted it to be and 2) it was also a lot stiffer than I had hoped. Since I loved the design, I knew that I would be knitting it up again… so I unravelled it all and prepped the yarn for reknitting.

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Abigail’s Retro Circle Blanket

About three years ago I started a crochet project that I had hoped would be finished quickly, but knew would take a while to complete. It was springtime and I figured that I could have it finished by December – as a Christmas gift for Abby. Christmas came and went…. twice, before it was finally completed! Abby finally got her blanket for her 5th birthday this year.

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Homemade Playdough {Tutorial}

It’s back to school time, so you know what that means… sickies galore!!! =)

The kids have been fighting something ever since they got their flu shots 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was hoping in Abby’s case that her runny nose was caused by teething (getting 2 of the last bottom 4!!), but it doesn’t look like that was entirely it. Both kids were feeling pretty crumby this past Sunday (lets face it, Ray and I weren’t feeling too great either – we’re fighting whatever “it” is too), so the day was spent doing “calm” things… even though it would have been great to get out and run and play… it was a beautiful fall day!

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