One Month Old!!

So I haven’t been able to write in a while – too many things happening. First there was little Emma’s Baptism on Aug. 31. Noah did not attend. Instead, he and Daddy had a boys day at home which consisted of watching lots and lots of sports. Emma was precious and was the first baby that I’ve seen that did not cry while she was being baptized.
Emma all dressed up for her big day

Just chilling out on the couch

The week progressed normally and on Wednesday, we visited Aunt Kristina and Omi. Too bad Noah decided to sleep most of the time that we were there. He was awake long enough to pee on himself during his diaper change though 🙂
Sleeping on Auntie Kristina

and again on Omi

Unfortunately on Thursday we received some bad news. My Grandma, Noah’s Great-Grandma Betty, passed away. She had been sick for quite a while, but it was still a shock to us. I had just spoken to her the day before on our way home and was glad to have had to chance to speak to her one last time. The wake was on Sunday and the funeral was Monday 09/08/08. Once again I left Noah with Daddy, only this time I would not be home again in the evening, so they had 2 days together. I could not take him with me, he was still too young and I didn’t want him to get sick. It was a hard decision, but I believe it was the right one, even though I would have loved to have him with me and missed my little man dearly.

Noah at 4 weeks

Noah at 4 weeks

Relaxing at home with Daddy

Getting some sun while Mommy’s away!!

So that brings us to today. Noah is now 1 month and 3 days old. It’s his uncle Robert’s birthday and we will see him to celebrate this weekend. Our little man is growing like a little weed and has gone from fitting loosely into his preemie sized clothes to those being snug on him. We are finally able to start wearing newborn sizes!! He has gotten into a pattern of when he eats and sleeps – he’s ready to eat every 2 hours. Now our next task is to try and sleep for longer periods of time at night! 🙂