Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July!!! and….

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Daniela!!!

It’s my cousins birthday today… it’s funny, because for the longest time she thought that we Americans (she’s German) were setting off fireworks to celebrate her birthday! How cute is that? I’m pretty sure that she knows better now. =)

It’s been a busy past few days here. I’ve been trying to get everything the way I want it to be… I still have so many things to work on, but for the most part I think the coding is done. Though I enjoy trying to figure out how this and that works, I am no coding geek… my husband is though (it’s his job) and I am so happy about that!! He was able to help me make a few tweeks here and there and help me figure out why things weren’t working the way they should… he must love me to help me with code on his day off!

rays flower 7.3.09Speaking of days off, we are having a 5 day Stay-cation right now. We spent yesterday at home and today we drove out to the Chicago Botanical Gardens. Noah had fun, though I think that Ray had even more fun! He brought the camera with and went to town taking pictures of the flowers, Noah and yes even me. Tomorrow we are planning on staying close to home so that we can watch the fireworks. I’m hoping that Noah will be okay with them.

Since getting the new camera, Ray has been really getting into photography… I must say I think he’s pretty good at it too (yes I know that I may be just a little bit biased!)! He even started a photo blog… www.raymondkrause.com… as a place to display his work.  Here’s one of the pictures that he took today (that I cropped a little). Now to just get him a good watermark… I’ll have to work on that with him.

Thanks to the site change and everything that has gone along with it, I’ve fallen behind on blogging… I’ve managed to squeeze out a post or two (so they were mainly picture posts… sue me!), but I finally just now finished going through my reader and still have a ton of blogs to visit and leave comments on. I still have a few reviews to write as well and am hoping that I can get all caught up within the next few days.

Alright I am sitting here nodding off  and am afraid that one of these times my head is going to crash onto the desk before I wake up and catch myself. I blame Noah and the dog! Although Noah has started going to bed peacefully (again) at night since learning how to pull himself up, he has not relearned the art of sleeping though the night. He is still getting up 1 -2 times in the night and I have to get up to get him back to sleep (not always an easy task). Then just when I think I can sleep again, the dog starts barking because she wants to go out… waking Noah up… at 6 am… and he doesn’t go back to sleep because the sun is shining. Needless to say I am tired… and with that I will go to bed.

(If any of you have tips on how to get Noah to stop standing and fussing at night when he wakes up please feel free to tell me about them!!! I appreciate it!)

Edited to add — raymondkrause.com isn’t ready yet!  It will be coming soon.