
To New Beginnings…

Happy New Year!

While 2015 started out great, the second half of it was just plain terrible. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did… and I’m still trying to deal with it all emotionally. I think I can honestly say that I’ve never been so sad seeing one year end, while at the same time feeling so happy that a new one was beginning.

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New Floors – almost finished

Last week was a busy week!! Like I mentioned in my last post, we spent Memorial Day ripping out our old carpet and dining room floors. We worked our buts off getting it ready so that it would be out of our garage the next day, only to find out that we didn’t cut and tape it quite like the disposal company wanted, so the garbage man didn’t pick take it away with the rest of our trash!! UGH!!

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New floors

My week is all messed up. Thanks to the holiday on Monday, I keep thinking that it is one day earlier than it really is… anyone else having that problem this week? Maybe it’s just me…

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Big news {part 1}

Okay, before I go on to write about the big news, I need to let you all know that I totally did not see the suggestive nature of the cactus bloom until both my sister and husband pointed it out to me. I guess I was so caught up in taking the photo and then cropping and editing it and a few others, that I didn’t even notice that it resembled a certain body part. *ahem* So without further ado, I hope you can get that image out of your head and enjoy this one (with the flower now in full bloom)

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