And the Scale Says…..

No change. Yeah the Muncher wasn’t happy either!! I have to admit I was expecting that. I strayed from the allotted number of points given to me a few times last week… and that’s including the extra 35.

I started out good… but it went down hill from there. First it was the apple croissants at my moms house (oh did I mention she put ice cream with it – I had 2). I don’t even want to think of Saturday – it was food heaven!! We had breakfast (at 2:30 pm) at the local diner – I got a spinach and tomato skillet (ok so there was a bunch of cheese, bacon and potatoes in there too).

Then, because it was Sweetest day – and I was feeling like a pig, we had Culver’s – yum yum yum ~~did I mention there was more bacon on the burger?? :)~~. Now, you don’t just go to Culver’s for the burger. No, you have to get the custard too, so that was on the menu as well. I did divide that up into a 2 day dessert though – so I had the rest of it yesterday.

I have to say I was doing better with WW in the 2 weeks before the hubby started. I did better than he did though – his first week back on and he gained a pound. Poor guy – he did so much better this past week than he had been doing, and yet he still gained.