
Breezy Summer thoughts

It’s not even 9 am, but our home has been buzzing with activity for a few hours already. My husband is in his office ( a smallish corner of our bedroom), working away at his job. A few months ago he changed who he worked for and cut his commute time from 30+ minutes to only

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A rebirth of sorts

Over the past year, I’ve sat here in front of my laptop so many times, just as I do now, with the intention to write… something, anything… but the words failed me over and over again. Rather than do nothing, I’d tinker with the site – making a few changes here and there… adding and removing

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Sneak Peek

Something that I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time now, is add a little more variety in both my shop here and on Etsy. I started working on new products last fall, but life happened and quite honestly, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to add them to the shop at the time. It’s a new year now and new goals have been made…

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To New Beginnings…

Happy New Year!

While 2015 started out great, the second half of it was just plain terrible. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did… and I’m still trying to deal with it all emotionally. I think I can honestly say that I’ve never been so sad seeing one year end, while at the same time feeling so happy that a new one was beginning.

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LTMF – November

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in… nearly a month (maybe even over a month now… I started writing this last week). In early October, life busy with school, hockey practices and games, Halloween preparations, and product development for the shop… add to that a growing little person, hiding inside of me, making me tire more easily…

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