Noah the Rocker

Ray took this picture with his phone – Noah was strutting his stuff in his most stylish outfit (it’s from Guess! I don’t even own anything Guess!)! He actually did good with the hat and seeing that it was -??freezing our butts off outside, that’s a good thing! We took him to Woodfield just to get him out of the house. He had fun looking at the fish and gorillas at the Rainforest Cafe. He was also fascinated by the glasses the kids at the table next to us had, because they lit up in rainbow colors whenever they took a drink.

In other news… He has now had a taste of banana and applesauce, peas and carrots, and both rice and oatmeal cereals. He loves both the bananas and the peas. The carrots were great for the first day or so and then he quickly got bored with them. He was at the Dr last week Monday for his 5 month shots – and he took them like a champ, only whimpered for a minute or two. We really didn’t go out much or do much else last week seeing that it was so very very cold out.

I will get some more pictures up soon. Just have to get them downloaded first!