Fill in the blank, I’m…..

1) a WINNER!!! No we did not win the Mega Millions last night… at least I don’t think we did… I mean hubby did go to work today…um, or did he???… Wait! Back to winning! I won my first bloggy giveaway!!! I never win anything, so I totally forgot all about it and then yesterday I get a random email out of the blue telling me that I’m a winner (not that I ever thought I wasn’t one)!! YAY!!!

I want to thank Southern Fried Gal so much for giving me the opportunity to win this great package and all the goodies in it. I would like to thank my husband for working his butt off so that I have the chance to be able to stay at home and take care of our little boy. I would like to thank Noah for giving so very many reasons to laugh and smile throughout the day. I would like to thank my parents, for without them…. wait, what?? it wasn’t that type of award? Oh well I still want to shout out a big Thanks to Southern Fried Gal!

2) one step closer to being a college studentagain!! I filled out an online application this morning with our local community college. I plan on getting my associates degree there and then completing my bachelors degree somewhere else. Yay!! If all goes well I will be starting classes in May.

3) going to post this button for all who would like to have a heart go to Tuesday’s family. Tamara over at Cheapskate Mom is collecting hearts with words of ecouragement and strength to bring to the Whitt family on Saturday. All you have to do is tell her what you would like for her to write on your heart.

4) am getting better at PhotoImpact (at least I think so)!! The backgrounds on both of my blogs, as well as headers, titles and buttons were all made by me. I can see a difference in the work that was done a few months ago and now. I would like to give myself a little more time to work on my skills and creativity, but am considering doing something productive with this.

5) going to be busy today finishing washing, drying, folding and ironing a crap ton of laundry. Add that to the list that I have started a) make more ice cream… the Chocolate Fudgesicle was great btw… and an easy recipe… 3 cups milk to 2 packets chocolate pudding, mix and throw in the ice cream maker for 25 minutes, then chill!! b) finish painting picture frames black so that I can make a collage on the wall c) sew basket liners for closet organisation d) and the list goes on and on and on including finishing these.

I had better get moving!!!