Thank You

The sun is shining… it will be warm (like 70’s kind of warm) and so I felt today was a good day to say thank you to a few bloggy friends out there.

I had entered a few giveaways a few weeks ago and imagine my surprise when I found out that I won not once or twice, but a few times! First off – thanks to Willo over at Green Gracious – she was giving away a Shaklee package

Doesn’t it look great? It works wonderfully too, my mom swears by the stuff, but I had never used it before this lovely package was delivered. It’s now been added to my growing list of products I love!

The mailman was my best friend the day I got my prize from Willo, because he also brought me this
from Brandy over at One Girl Revolution. She had a giveaway for her 100th post and I won! What is it? Oh – the.coolest.thing.EVER! Inside that cute little bag are 5 reusable bags that I now use when I go shopping – how cool is that. I didn’t use any plastic bags at all yesterday at Meijer. I’ve always had cloth bags to use at places like ALDI, because plastic bags were a big “No, No” when I lived in Germany. I just never used them anywhere but Aldi over here… until now that is! I’m turning into such a greenie and I love it =)

(Speaking of Meijer… and green… have you entered the Ecostore giveaway? You could win $25 to spend at… go now before it’s too late – contest ends this Sunday)

I also won a featured prize during the SITS Spring Fling, remember that day of giveaway goodness? Ah the memories… anyway… I won the $50 Nature Watch gift certificate. I’ve already picked out what I want to buy, just haven’t sent out the order yet. What am I waiting for??

I’ll also be getting a free year of Family Fun magazine, thanks to Shaunalynn over at The Art and Science of Parenting. I lucked out because the first winner never responded and so another winner was picked… Thanks!!

There’s still a prize or two that I haven’t received yet, so I will save the thanks for those for when they get here…

Thanks to all of you for having such great giveaways and picking me to win them!!