The Fly {Foto Friday}

Sooooo…. Monday was a fairly warm day here in the chilly Midwest… wait for it… it the temp got into the mid/high 30’s!!! I know what you’re going to ask… did we put on our shorts and go out? Well, yes and no… yes we went outside, but no the shorts were left where they have been these past oh I don’t know how many months (not that I would fit into any of them anyway).

So as Noah and I were coming back from going to the mailbox, it occurred to me that I could let him play in the snow on the side of the house since the sun was shining there. As were were walking past our little flower bed, I happened to look down and see something dark on the snow. Upon closer inspection I saw this…

the fly on the snow

I thought maybe it was dead, so I nudged it… it was alive!!! Naturally I had to test out the macro on my camera again so I took another picture…

the fly on the snow

Disgusting isn’t it? I love how much detail I can get from my little camera though! It’s great!

What caught your eye this week that you snapped a picture of? If you’d like a quick Friday post, then why not link up your favorite (or unusual) picture from this week!

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