Mother’s Day rewind

I came downstairs on Mother’s Day to see that my cactus bloom had had a growth spurt over night. I don’t remember this cactus ever blooming in the spring, so it is a real treat to see the white buds popping up on it! This particular flower has opened up completely now and I just love it.

That wasn’t the only flower that I received on that day though. Ray and Noah had gone on a little drive and brought me home these two goodies:

Ray told me that Noah picked out both of them by himself! Both of them were surprised to find out that they picked on of my favorite potted plants!! Is it sad that I only know what they are called in German? (it’s Alpenveilchen for in case you wanted to know)

We spent the day visiting both my mother in law and my mom. It was a beautiful day and we made sure to spent every minute that we could outside.

I hope you all had a great weekend and were spoiled on Mother’s day!

3 thoughts on “Mother’s Day rewind”

  1. That is soooo sweet! Noah has a good eye for flowers – very beautiful! Love the photos and I Love that you got a catcus bloom on Mother’s Day! That has got to be a good sign.

    Glad you had a wonderful day with both moms. 🙂

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