A breezy kind of day

It has been hot here in the Midwest these past few weeks (though thankfully not as hot as other states)! The problem is, I don’t really do hot weather very well. The whole time I kept dreaming of cooler days and even cooler nights. So… while I can find it in me to (barely) tolerate summer, I’m not what you would call it’s biggest fan… in fact, my favorite season has been and always will be autumn, followed closely by spring.

Noah playing with his helmet on

I did a little (internal) dance of joy the other day, when I heard this weeks weather forecast… low 80’s and possibly even 70’s… now that’s my kind of summer weather! In fact, it’s the kind of temperatures that German summers are made of (well at least the Eifel region where I lived)… sure there were warmer days there too, but it was never like it’s been here and I miss that. I miss being able to leave the windows open and letting the summer breeze flow through the house… I sometimes feel like the cool, stale A/C air is slowly suffocating me.

Abby playing outside

I love this weather though! The kids and I spent all of yesterday’s windy afternoon outside. Noah rode his tricycle while Abby alternated between “riding” the big wheel and the cozy coupe. Footballs were thrown, balls were chased down the road after being blown away and two little kids were chased and caught by the “Mami-monster”! The afternoon was filled with laughing, giggling, hugs, kisses and sweaty hair on sweaty little kids… just the way it should be!

Me having fun with the kids

(You know it’s a good day when I even dare to take a picture of myself!)

Today is supposed to be even nicer (cooler) and I’m happy to say that I already have some windows open! I have big plans for today… there will definitely be more time spent outside with the kids, some color will be put on the walls downstairs and hopefully I’ll be able to get in a little sewing as well.

I hope that you are able to enjoy some cooler weather where you are too!

4 thoughts on “A breezy kind of day”

  1. September is coming, the bestest month in the midwest ever!!! I also love it when it’s warm enough yet cool enough to have the windows open. You and your kids are adorable!

  2. Mid 80’s here for the next few days, too. After weeks upon weeks of temperatures hovering around 100 (or above!), we’re soaking up all this nice weather while we can. Enjoy!

  3. we live in LA and I gotta tel you- it’s so hot and humid in here that I can barely get out of the house! totally see what you’re feeling!
    Larissa from How to Look Natural MakeUp Tips

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