Getting back into the groove

Sometime back in October I put my Etsy shop in vacation mode so that I could spend time with Michael without having to worry about sewing totes and getting orders finished.

At the time, my plan was to develop and work on some new items while the kids were at school or sleeping, and then reopen a new and improved shop in November.

The thing about making plans though, is that sometimes they just don’t go the way you think they will. It turns out that I needed some more time alone with Michael, then came the holidays, and (thanks to some super cold weather) an extended winter break for Noah and Abby.

It wasn’t just that though, and I’ll be honest and tell you right now that my creative juices weren’t flowing as freely as I had hoped they would be. In fact, just the opposite was true. Maybe it was the lack of sleep… I don’t know. I just wasn’t feeling it, so I knew that I needed more time.

Something changed after the kids went back to school though and my creativity is no longer blocked. I’ve got so many ideas flowing through my brain and am happy to say that I have even started sewing again!

I’m the past week, I’ve gotten one project finished and am busy finalizing second one… and I can’t wait to share them both with you. The prototype for my first project (and soon to be new product line) was given to a neighbor yesterday, and both she and her son loved it! I’m not going to reveal what it is just yet, but here’s a little sneak peek from an impromptu photo shoot…


Any guesses?

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