Tell it Tuesday – Summertime

Tell it Tuesday

Another week has past and it’s Tuesday again… for a little while longer at least. We’ve been keeping busy here in our neck of the ‘burbs… there are pools to swim in, play dates to go to, people to visit and projects to be made on rainy days (which there haven’t been too many of lately!).

Noah is starting to talk more and more and well… that means that there are some rocky times to be had. He just asked me for something and I had no clue what he meant… I think it might have been milk, but I’m not exactly sure. He’s also cutting molars (do they get 2 year molars?) and that is once again causing some rough times… well that and the fact that he changed his bed time and night time sleep times on me… he now goes to bed later. Sure it means that he gets up later, but not enough to make the change worth it to me. The nap time change actually works out okay, though 1 pm  would be even better than 2. It turns out that many of our play dates are right around the time when he used to take a nap, so at least now we’re able to go to those and meet more moms and kids.

Abby is growing more each day. She loves her jumper and her Ocean Wonders play mat. She hasn’t rolled over yet, but has started scooting herself forward and in circles. She’s also a talker… unlike her brother. She loves to hold conversations with you and looks so sweet while she does so.

As you may have been able to tell by the lack of posts… we’ve been spending much more time offline lately… if I wasn’t outside playing with the kids, I was engrossed in the Sookie Stackhouse series books… so good!!! I’ve read books 1 through 7 in the past month (so easy to do, since they really aren’t that long) and am waiting for books 8 and 9 to become available online through the local library… I wish that the people that checked them out would just hurry up and read!! haha

I’ve also – very sparingly – gotten back into the world of WoW (otherwise known as World of Warcraft for you non addicted gamers)… Ray, the sweetheart and best husband ever!! bought me a new laptop so that I could play the game with him online. We used to play together way back before the kids were born… it was one of our “us” things to do and it’s nice that we have that again (to an extent).

So… I’m going to get ready to call it a night… I’m hoping to get a photo ready for Wordless Wednesday… if any of you read one of the few tweets (or was it the only one) I had today, you’ll know what the photo is about.

1 thought on “Tell it Tuesday – Summertime”

  1. Sounds like all is going well in your neck of the woods! Love the Sookie Stackhouse series, waiting for the 10th book to read once my pedicurist is finished with it. :o)

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