I’m 3!!!

Okay, I’m not… you can add 30 years to that to get my age… and it will be another year older soon, because I have a birthday that is quickly approaching…  but I digress.

My blog is 3 today!! I can’t believe that 3 years ago, while tired and sleep deprived (wait how is that any different from today) and caring for a newborn (oh there it is!) I started my little adventure in blogging. It was an innocent start… I wanted family to be able to keep up with little Mr Noah’s growth and changes. He was only 10 days old and soooooo tiny!!

To say I was bitten by the blogging bug is an understatement. I loved everything about it… being able to write and express myself, meeting new people from all over the world and learning so very much. There have been times where I’ve blogged more often and other times a bit (or a lot) less. There were times where I actually wrote posts and not just filled them with photos… but then I also now have 2 kids running in opposite directions now… something I didn’t have back then! 😉

I have so much I want to write about in the upcoming days and weeks… I still haven’t finished out vacation recap (I can’t believe 6 weeks have already passed since then!) and I still have birthday party post to write for my little man. I would also like to showcase some of what I’ve been working on in my “free” time these past few weeks and host a giveaway for something custom made by yours truly to go along with it. Be excited, be very excited!! haha!! =)

Noah will be starting preschool in less than 3 weeks which means that while he’s out learning new stuff and playing with new friends, Abby and I will have 5 hours a week where it’s just the 2 of us… I can’t wait!! It’ll be nice to spend some one on one time with my little girl and I’ve already got some things planned for us to do.  Today though, I will continue to enjoy the last days of summer with my kids. Hope you have a great day too!!


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