
My First Award

I can’t believe it!! I got my first award! It’s just the thing I to pick me up after this crappy week, on this rainy/sleety/snowy dreary day. Thanks you so much Vickie!! Now I want to get it right, so first I’ll let you know about the award: “These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind […]

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new look

ok, new pictures aren’t up yet, but I did work on changing the look of the page. What do you think? I’ll post more on Noah tomorrow. Thank you for following us!

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update background

Yay I got it to work!! on both Firefox and IE!! I caved and upgraded Photobucket. Now I just need to cancel the subscription I got with Trialpay hehe. Thanks for reading! I’d love to hear what you have to say, so stop on over and chat with me!

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Changes take two

I finished my new background!! If you’re using Firefox you’ll be able to see it…. IE….. not so much. Unfortunately it doesn’t show up. I don’t know if its because the site hosting the background is Google sites instead of Photobucket. I just don’t know. I’ll have to keep playing with it, and if that

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In an effort to keep my brain active these last few weeks of my maternity leave, I have added one more “craft” to the list… Creating backgrounds for my blogs. I found some “blog secrets” on a great site – in fact the background to my other blog came from there. One of the secrets

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