
Friday Flashback – How Do You Describe a Miracle?

It wasn’t my intention to take the week off from blogging, but the weather was beautiful and the kids and I ended up spending hours upon hours outside this week. I planted flowers while they played, we pulled the little swimming pool out of its sleeping spot in the basement and we had picnics on the deck… it felt soooo good. I’m so happy that Spring has finally arrived! One of the things that I love about spring and fall is that I can open the windows and doors and let the fresh air flow through the house… it’s a bit cleansing for me… like the breeze is taking away all of the bad stuff and replacing it with freshness… but I digress.

Friday Flashback – How Do You Describe a Miracle? Read More »

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th and I do not get along… and whenever possible I try not to leave the house on those days. Strange things just seem to happen to me on those particular days and I prefer not to tempt fate.

Friday the 13th Read More »

Noah the photographer

Before I write anything else, I want to say thank you for all of the kind comments on the previous two posts. Those first two days were very hard… very hard. It’s getting easier though and I can even say that yesterday and today {so far} have been good days. I think it may have helped that Ray stayed home yesterday… it helped keep my mind off of “things” and that is exactly what I need right now. Today has been good because it is almost 50 degrees here {!!!} so the kids and I were able to spend a glorious hour outside this morning enjoying the warmth and sunshine.

Noah the photographer Read More »

Happy Holidays!

Two days from now, our family, like so many others, will be in the middle of the holiday crazies. Once again we’ll be packing the kids up and driving to visit the families… 4 stops in all during the two Christmas days… it gets to be a bit hectic and stressful, so I thought I would wish you all a very safe and Merry Christmas a few days early.

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Please welcome Abigail!

So it happened… 4 weeks early… little baby Abigail (whose middle name is still to be determined) could wait no longer!

It all started last night… though I didn’t know it then. I went to class as usual and one of my other classmates commented that I looked like I was carrying lower… I thought she was crazy because it sure didn’t look like it to me, but whatever!

Please welcome Abigail! Read More »