Craft overload

I have some crafting to catch up on and finish. Just off of the top of my head I am aware of 4 started projects (ok 2 of them were started yesterday). They are (in order of oldest to newest)

  1. Halloween counted cross stitch picture started September 2007
  2. Scarf – started to knit a light weight scarf to go with my brown coat
  3. Counted cross stitch baby sampler for the Muncher that was to be done before he was born, but seeing he came 2 weeks early due to an emergency induction it never was finished (I admit there’s not much left to do)
  4. Bulletin boards started yesterday – I have 2 out of 4 boards padded with batting and covered, am missing ribbon though (don’t know why I didn’t buy it with everything else while I was at JoAnn’s)
  5. Last but not least I found a great little project on the Inspiration page at for Snowmen ornaments and I started those at 11 pm last night. I plan on finishing those quickly.

In addition to my crafting, I have attempted to start organizing the house more while on my maternity leave. Upstairs I have tackled the hall linen/crafting/office closet, among other things. While I have finished organizing it, I am not completely happy with the finished result. I need (ok don’t need to but am anal here) to go and get more baskets from Ikea to match the ones I’ve already used in there. The baskets I used were intended to organize the Munchers belongings, but I realized that I didn’t need as many as I had bought once I set everything up in there. I won’t be happy until all of the baskets match. I’m a clutter bug by nature and my disaster area that I call a desk does not bother me, but I hate having mismatched baskets (or hangers, towels, storage containers, DMC Floss holders etc.) I guess I’m just a bit crazy.