Missing out

So I’ve been back to work since yesterday. I will leave it at that and not say any more, but that explains why I haven’t written lately.I’ve been busy trying to get ready for “the big day”.

So Noah, the little heart breaker that he is, decided to make it even harder for me (not that it wasn’t hard enough already – I’m shocked that my eyes weren’t more puffy today) by ….. wait for it….wait for it…. ready??? ROLLING OVER!!! Oh – Yeah – he rolled over – for Ray – from his tummy to his back. I guess Daddy was taking some pictures because Mr. Noah was just too cute during tummy time. That’s when he decided to make his move. I knew it wold be happening soon, all of the signs were there – I had just hoped to be there. Of course being the little rug rat that he is, there were no other flips, flops or turns for me when I got home. Just a big smile. That made my heart break a little more, but was sooooo worth it.