6 Month Update

Noah is passed out on the sofa. Getting the Rotavirus and DTaP vaccines did it to him. Poor little guy took it like a champ though. He barely even cried when the Dr gave him the shot and he even managed to give her a smile afterward, it was a half smile, but a smile. I can’t say it went as easy with the oral vaccination, he really didn’t like the taste and clamped his mouth shut! SHe did get enough in there though thankfully.

Anyway…. he now weighs a whopping 17lbs 12oz (that puts him at 45%), he’s 26 3/4 inches long (60%) and his head is 45cm (80%). So he grew almost 3 inches and gained 2 lbs 11 oz!! Oh yeah and he’s got a big head for his big brains!!

She said we could move on to Stage 2 foods, which means that he can now start to eat mixed fruits and veggies and pureed meats!! I just know he will be looking forward to that. 🙂 I had already been mixing some of his veggies, but we hadn’t tried any meats yet.