Tell it Tuesday 9/29/09

tell it tuesdays

Wow, I’m so happy that the weekend is over! It was crazy busy.

On Saturday we drove to my moms… it was my birthday and I just had to celebrate with the family. Both of my sisters were there and so was my little niece E. She could not have been more excited to see Noah… she would hug him and smother him with kisses at every chance she could get. Both of them played with each other so well and I think they had fun.

On Sunday, we got up bright (well less bright) and early, packed the car up and drove to Warrens, WI for their Cranberry Festival. It is such a little town, but it has the world’s largest cranberry festival and people go there from all over the world! Ray’s mom sells at a booth there (and has for years) and we drove to help break down and pack up (well – Ray did… I had an excuse this year not to!). Unfortunately this years trip was cut short when the sheriffs dept ordered everyone to start packing up early due to a strong storm that was coming through. Both Ray and I agreed that we felt like we were cheated out of our day… I mean we didn’t even get to buy any fried cheese curds (though we did eat frozen cheesecake on a stick, yum!)! It was a good day though and I am looking forward to going again next year… Noah will be older and we will also have the new munchkin to show the fun that is the Warrens Cranberry Festival. (I will get pictures of both days up and post them in another post... I also finally have the pictures from the U2 concert and will post those soon too!)

So that was our weekend… Snickers was a pain in the backside Sunday night, thanks to being locked up most of the day for two days straight. I don’t blame her for being mad at us, but I couldn’t let her roam free in the house, so it meant that I was up at 12:45, 4 and again at 6… *sigh*

During the day yesterday I kept seeing this tweet on twitter “Samsung rethink your mom marketing approach, twittermoms competition pitting moms against each other is a turn off #SamsungAppliances” Honestly… I think this competition is getting Samsung the marketing they wanted, and there is nothing wrong with that. The bloggers who chose to take part in this competition knew what it was about and should have known that they would be “fighting” other mom bloggers for the prize.  I don’t think the sponsor should be blamed for that.

Okay, that’s as political as I’ll get. I have other things that I would like to write about, but am being censored thanks to my blog (possibly) being known to certain IRL’ers. So all I will say to that is… UGHHHHHH!!!

How was your weekend? did you do anything exciting?

2 thoughts on “Tell it Tuesday 9/29/09”

  1. What a great weekend…Happy Belated Birthday by the way!….and I so agree with you about the samsung thing….I’ve seen it a lot too…we are all educated people I think…

  2. Hey girlie! How are you? I wanted to check in and see how you are feeling. November is getting close… are you getting excited to find out the sex?

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