Foto Friday 10/16/09

These were taken on one of the last nice warmish days we had this fall.

Noah outside 007

(Noah’s trying to sneak up on Snickers)

Noah outside 014

Noah outside 026

I also want to thank you all for your great tips to this post. I did take Noah to have his ears check yesterday and the Dr said that they looked great. He thought it might be due to his molars coming in, but when he checked out his mouth, there were no signs of him teething… which I didn’t think he was anyway. Though he said they might still be bugging him.

I still firmly believe it’s a bout of separation anxiety and we are working on it. Ray put Noah to bed last night and sat by his crib until he calmed down… instead of going to sleep though, Noah started playing! Ray decided to get him back up and let him play in the loft then and later Noah actually took Ray’s hand and led him to the bedroom when he was tired! I guess he did fuss for a minute or two, but then fell asleep! So at least getting put to bed wasn’t as traumatic last night as it had been the past few nights!

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