Dear So & So – Open Letters

Dear Neighbor with the big dog,

I’m a pet lover and up until recently a dog owner as well. That doesn’t mean that I am a lover of everything that comes out of a dog, so when you take your beast out to do its thing please make sure that you have what you need to get rid of the “presents”!

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we live in a townhome community. That means that we all share the common ground that your dog uses as a toilet. It also means that little kids play (or… well… used to before the dog bombs) in those areas. Not to mention it is in the association rules… and just common courtesy… that if your dog leaves you a “present” (which they will do 1 or more times a day) you have to pick it up and bring it back home with you… where you can do with it what you want.

Just saying,

Your neighbor who always had  baggie in her hand


Dear Mr I’m wide awake in the middle of the night so lets play,

I love you to bits and pieces and think you are a riot to play with… especially now that you are getting more and more of a personality of your own. Your little mannerisms crack me up and I love how everyday you seem to learn something new. With that said though I don’t think that any time before the sun comes up is a good time to play since we both really need out sleep!

How about we practice not waking up wide eyed and ready to go in the times between 3 and 7 am?!? I would really appreciate it!


Your always tired Mama


Dear husband o mine,

I know that I tell you daily that I love you, but I don’t think I could ever put to words just how much I love you! To quote a line from Jerry McGuire “You complete me!”

You have helped me become a more well rounded and open minded person (though you know as well as I do that I am still squeemish to try new things). You push me to kill the procrastinator in me and I though she is still there, I’m pretty sure she’s dying a slow and painful death! 😉

We knew early on that we are meant to be us… and though it’s not always easy and we both have our faults, I know that this “us” will last a long long time.

Thank you for being there for me and believing in me. Thank you for working as hard as you do to support us and our lives… never for one second think that I don’t realize it!!

I love you!!

Your “love of a lifetime”

9 thoughts on “Dear So & So – Open Letters”

  1. We only have one neighbor that uses the little baggies on them dog walks. We live right next door to the school and there are signs everywhere that state, no dogs allowed! There is poop everywhere:p

    I love reading these open letters!
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..Yup! Another Cool Giveaway!! =-.

  2. nice! 1) i don’t know why people don’t clean up after their dogs! 2) hope your little one allows you to get sleep soon. 3) AWWW!

    hope you have a very happy thanksgiving!!
    .-= Froggity!´s last blog ..Grateful =-.

  3. your letter to your hubby is wonderful! i’ve been meaning to do something thoughtful for my hubby’s upcoming b’day …n i think telling him how special he is (like you have) is the best thing to do! i can’t wait to go write mine now…have a happy thanksgiving! – a fellow SITSta..x
    .-= persis´s last blog ..Vintage Wednesday =-.

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