Tell it Tuesday – Getting Better

  • Another week has passed and YAY!!! I’m up to posting (and sitting upright) again! Thank you everyone for the get well wishes!!!
  • Ray was the biggest sweetheart yesterday and stayed home to take care of Noah (who btw is doing much better, though he’s still a bit congested). I took advantage of his being here and slept for much of the day. When I wasn’t sleeping, I was laying on the couch with my eyes closed because it hurt too much to open them. I had slept so terribly the night before, that I guess I didn’t realize just how much sleep I needed to make up. I don’t think there would have been any way that I could have taken care of Noah on my own yesterday! So for that… Thank you honey!!!
  • Although I’m not back to my healthy old self, I am feeling much better today… at least the pressure that was there yesterday is gone and I can walk and talk and play (well to an extent) with Noah. I’m still blowing my nose at least once every 5 minutes and I’m sounding very raspy at the moment (I sort of like it too!), but all in all I feel okay. I thought I would be able to take Noah to Tot Rock today, but we had to skip it… he’s still not 100% either and I just don’t want to infect anyone else… besides I was having hot flashes just trying to get dressed this morning, so I think that was a sign to stay home!
  • Noah and I did drive to my ob today for my 30 week check-up. Baby girl was moving like mad and we heard a nice strong heartbeat. I now start going every 2 weeks and I was informed about pre-term labor, so I guess the countdown can begin!! I’m getting anxious and excited and nervous and have I mentioned that we haven’t chosen a name yet!!! AGH!!!
  • In sticking with the baby theme, I found out yesterday that my sister N is pregnant with a healthy little baby girl! So it looks like (at least for now) Noah will be the lonely boy in a family of girls!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? I still can’t believe it’s already Tuesday – I feel like I lost a whole day (well I guess I sort of did!).

5 thoughts on “Tell it Tuesday – Getting Better”

  1. Hi honey
    crazy yesterday and today,but thank goodness you are feeling better.
    Drove back last night, terrible weather and today went by so fast, work, watched Jacob for Noreen for a couple hours, dinner and worked until 11.15 pm. Wioll go to bed, call me tomorrow when you have time. Love you XO ~ mum

  2. Sorry you were feeling well:( Isn’t it nice when the hubby stays home:)

    Congrats to your sister. Noah gets another cousin!! My girls just love their cousins!

    Hope you continue to feel better.
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..Birthday Card =-.

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