Flashback {Foto Friday}

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Noah Jan 09

Noah Jan 09

I couldn’t help but post these… this is Noah almost 1 year ago (Jan 30th, 09).  He was drooling because he was cutting his first teeth and we were having fun playing in the loft with his toys. Funny that 1 year later things aren’t much different… he’s still cutting teeth and we will be upstairs playing in the loft soon! 😉

What foto’s do you have to share this week? Please link up!


22 thoughts on “Flashback {Foto Friday}”

    1. It goes by too fast and he’s my first… how will it be when I have 2?!?!

      I stopped by your blog, but wasn’t able to comment, couldn’t get to the captcha form. I hope that things get better with your daughter. I think it’s natural that she’s acting this way right now and I’m sure it’ll pass. Just watch she’ll be the best big sister once the baby is born!!

  1. Look at those beautiful eyes!! What a cutie-pie!!

    New follower from “Friday Follow”! I’d love for you to come visit me!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. She looks exactly like a doll I once had. Adorable. I’m a new follower from Friday Follow. Hope you have time to follow me too.

    1. That would be great if you participate! =)

      I usually just try to post something new from the week. May have to start thinking of themes though 😉

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