Late edition {Foto Friday}

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We were watching the pre-Opening Ceremony show and I just had to get some photo’s of Noah. He was in such a good (and playful) mood and since I hadn’t taken any of him since turning 18 months old, I thought now was a good time!

(watching TV)

(You called??!!)

(Playing Peek a Boo with Daddy!)

We had his 18 month check up today and he measured in  great. He’s gained a few pounds and is now 24lb 9oz (30th %), he’s 33 inches long (70th %) and his head is still ginormous – 49.5 cm (90th %)!! So he is still my tall, skinny, big-headed little boy!! He also got 2 shots and only cried for a few seconds when he got the 2nd one and then he immediately went for the Band-Aids!

5 thoughts on “Late edition {Foto Friday}”

  1. Noah is the same age as the children I work with in the Church nursery. Their smiles and laughter are contagious! Super adorable! Great pics. 🙂

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