Tell it Tuesday –

Tell it Tuesday

  • This will be a quick post today. I wanted to let you all know about It’s the blog-child of two bloggers I love – Elizabeth from Confessions From A Working Mom and Tamara from The (Un)Experienced Mom – and I am proud to say that I am one of the contributing bloggers (one of the Resident Experts) there!! OurMommyhood launched last week and since I was busy with Abby in the hospital, I wasn’t able to give it the welcoming shout-out that it deserves. There’s a great group of bloggers that contribute there and you should really go check it out if you haven’t already!! Oh and while you’re there, check out the post that I wrote too (How Do You Describe A Miracle?). It was written a few weeks ago and I never thought that Abby would be here with us before it even posted!!
  • Abby is doing great. She had her first post-hospital Dr’s visit last Tuesday and was already gaining weight back. She goes in for her 2-week appointment this Friday – I can’t believe she’s 11 days old already!! She is such a little joy to all of us. Noah is still her biggest fan – it’s so cute to see how he just randomly stops playing to go up to her and kiss her before playing again… and he’ll do that over and over and over again throughout the day!
  • Class is… well it’s class! I had a Psych quiz last week and actually drove in to take it (and I got an A!!). I knew that I wouldn’t stay the whole 3 hours and ended up only staying the 30 minutes to take the quiz and have it graded. Understandably, everyone was shocked by the fact that a) I had Abby and b) I actually drove to class 6 days later! As for my Sociology class… I was planning on taking the first exam Saturday the 6th, but Abby decided to through a wrench into those plans. So…. now the plan is to go tomorrow to take the exam. I can honestly say that, while I hope to do well on it, at this point I really don’t care how I do as long as I pass it. I just want to take the exam and get it over with that way I can move on and get the next 3 and the class completed.

That’s it for now. I am so behind on everything online and blog related and don’t know how and if I can catch up. So with that in mind, I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! to all of you for your congratulations and well wishes to Abby’s birth! I couldn’t stop smiling while checking my inbox. You guys rock and are the reason why I love blogging!!!

3 thoughts on “Tell it Tuesday –”

  1. Thank you for sharing the website! Sounds like Abby and you all are doing fantastic. Amazed that you went in for that quiz!!! You’ll be back into the groove of things in no time I”m sure, it’s just taking a moment at a time in the beginning! :o)
    .-= Kat´s last blog ..Friend Makin Monday =-.

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