Don’t Bug Me! {Wordless Wednesday}

We braved the heat and humidity last week to go out to the park. After sweating it out for 30 minutes at 10 in the morning (there was a heat index of 110 that day!), I decided to call it quits and go home… not because of the heat though. It was because my son was playing like this:

Don't bug me

We left because the mosquitoes were terrible! We’ve had a very wet summer, which meant 2 things… lots  of humidity and lots more mosquitoes. All three of us left the park that day with some lovely itchy red bumps!

Add your Wordless/ful Wednesday link below and then come back Friday to join us Foto Friday!

Check out more Wordless/ful Wednesday posts at To Be Thode and 7 Clown Circus

16 thoughts on “Don’t Bug Me! {Wordless Wednesday}”

  1. Awww, poor guy! It’s miserably hot out there, isn’t it? It’s one of the many things I will not miss about having lived in Georgia for a year. We’ve been here in Missouri for less than a week and I’m already enjoying the cooler temps.
    Thanks for stopping by and linking up Michie. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks for us, but I’m hanging in there and trying to keep up. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud

  2. We went to Virginia to visit my sister and it was like vacationing in an oven. Love summer but the heat and the bugs can get a bit much in some areas of the country.

  3. I hate mosquitoes! We have plenty of them here (in FL) and now we’re being warned about the Eastern Equine Encephalitis that they are spreading. Not fun.

    Thanks for the linky! Happy WW!

  4. that’s awful! i always get eaten alive my mosquitoes, but you typically think of them at nightfall. but when your poor boy can’t play at 10 am, now THAT’S a real problem!

  5. We have quite the horde of em’ in Texas too. With temps over 100. Ugh! Come on winter!
    He looks so cute playing in the sand. From one shovel to the other. Ahh, entertainment!

  6. We had a day like that today…took him to a park that didn’t have ANY shade. After about 20 minutes I was like, “Let’s go to McDonalds instead” LOL

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