Abby’s Pizza Party

One of the problems with living in a townhouse is that there isn’t much room to celebrate in the colder months, especially when the immediate family is as large as ours is. Because of this, Abby’s first birthday ended up being a pizza party at one of our favorite local pizzeria’s… not what you may expect of a first birthday, but it turned out great!

Pizza Table

My mouth is watering just looking at the picture! We had both deep dish and thin crust to choose from… both were equally tasty!

Abby took the time to pose for a photo before eating… she was a demanding little girl and I couldn’t get the pizza cut up fast enough for her!!

She did manage to take a few breaks in between bites to check out the gifts on the table and her goofy brother…

okay… so she was really just looking to see what her goofy brother was doing.

We did manage to get him to sit down for a few minutes and eat a little too… thanks to Grandma Kim!

While the rest of us were eating Abby had to let the world (or just our town) know that it was her big day and stood at the window waving to the people passing by.

Noah had to come check out what was going on… he thought maybe there was another train at the station across the street, but then saw that Daddy was outside  taking pictures… say “Cheese!!”

Abby checking out her gifts…

Our big, little girl!!!

Noah was alternately getting and giving kisses to his cousin E… the two of them get along so well!

Abby’s cake – Ray took the photo of her the week before after our trip to see E on her 3rd birthday…

I think this was her favorite part… eating the cake! She wasn’t so sure at first, but once she got a taste of that butter cream frosting… well let’s just say she’s truly her mother and father’s daughter! 😉

So there are some of the highlights of Abby’s big day… it lasted well past her bedtime, but she was a trooper and stayed up as long as she could. She is so blessed to be able to celebrate with so many people that love her.

She had her 12 month check up today and weighed in at 22 pounds (67%)  and is 30 1/4 inches tall (85%). She’s also learned to climb up onto the couch and Noah’s bed (it sits a little lower since it’s a convertible toddler bed) and now waves bye-bye unprompted. I keep looking at that last picture and it makes me want to go upstairs into the kids room and pick her up and hug her. Before she was born, I was so afraid that I would not be able to love her as much and in the same way that I love her older brother… I am so, so very happy that I was wrong. That little girl melts my heart and I couldn’t love her more than I already do!

I love you sweetie!!

3 thoughts on “Abby’s Pizza Party”

  1. Oh my gosh! That is MY kind of a party! Yum! Yum! Yum!

    What precious pictures of a wonderful event. I ADORE her outfit and the happy smiles of her and Noah. Happy belated birthday Abby!


  2. I hear ya…. both my girls’ birthdays are in February, and around here you never know what the weather will be. Makes having a birthday party at home hard, because our house is small but it could be too cold to have the party outside.

    Also? I’m now craving pizza. MMMMMMMM!

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