Dragging on…

Is is just me, or did this week feel like the.longest.week.ever!!! Wow! It was only Tuesday and I could have sworn it was Thursday already. And while the first few days felt like they just dragged on, in reality it passed by pretty quickly.

Monday was Halloween and the kids had a blast in their costumes. Noah wanted to be a super hero… which meant that he insisted Abby be one too… actually he instead we all be super hero’s, but Ray and I got declined getting dressed up this year… I think it was because of the tights! I ended up parts of the kids costumes and made both of their capes and wristers. I also made a belt and some “undies” for Noah’s costume while Abby wore this…

Abby's Superhero Tutu

Yes it’s a tutu… I figured if she is going to be a Superheroine, then she was going to be the girliest little Superheroine ever!! They both had fun running from house to house, though Abby was frightened by a scary clown. Little miss lasted about 10 minutes before ending up bundled under two blankets in the wagon… I think she was on to something there!! =)

I had so much fun making the tutu, that I’ve decided to add a few to the shop. Abby loves hers and runs around singing “tutu tutu”. I bought the fabric for them today, so they should be listed within the next day or two!! WooHoo!! =)

While I would love to sit and chat a little more, I have a mountain of laundry that needs to be attended to… it’s been neglected too long and is starting to take over the house!! haha!

Pictures of the kids in their costumes will be posted as soon as Ray processes them. Until then, I hope you’ve been having a great week!

2 thoughts on “Dragging on…”

  1. Love the tutu… you are so talented.

    Read your post about the house – God was leading you elsewhere. Who knows what disaster he was saving you from! Glad you are somewhere you feel happy. That’s what really matters!

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