Friday Flashback

Friday Flashback at Mama Michie's Musings

I’ve been taking part in the SITS Spring Fling these past few days, in an effort to get myself back into the writing and social media groove. While I have accounts with most major social media outlets, I have to admit that I’m not always very active on all (or any of them). I’ve drastically cut back on my time spent on the laptop during nap time, in an effort to focus more on Noby Designs, but the past week or so has been spent getting all things blog related updated.

Since yesterday was Google+ day at SITS, I spent some time over there updating my Google+ profile, as well as polishing of my blogs page and starting a page for Noby Designs. As I was going through and editing my profile, I remembered that I used to be a contributing writer on another website! I haven’t written for OurMommyhood in over a year and I had completely forgotten about it! I blame the kids for my lapse in memory… there was so much going on at the time, Abby had just been born… I was still taking classes… Noah wasn’t even 2 yet!!!

I went over to OurMommyhood and did a quick search… and found all 16 of the post that I had written there… buy does that bring back memories now!!! I want to share those posts with you {my loyal longtime fans will get the chance to read them again}, and have decided that starting next week {and continuing on for 16 weeks}, I’ll feature one of those posts in a Flashback Friday post.

We’ll {okay, I’ll} get a little nostalgic as we go back 2 years to when the kids were younger… and less mouthy… but still just as cute!


PS… Warning… Shameless social media request coming…

Want to connect with me somewhere other than here in the comments? Then let’s get together on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or Google+.  I’d love for you  to like the Noby Designs fan page too… once we reach 250 likes, I’ll be giving away a surprise product!!! =)

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