Abby is a very independent little girl. She has wanted to do anything and everything on her own as soon as she was able to {and sometimes even when she wasn’t quite able to yet}. It’s no surprise then that she wants to pick out her own outfits and dress herself most days. This particular day I was allowed to layout a top for her, but she did the rest…
~~ Abby as Backwards Girl ~~
The backwards fashion is a big hit in our house among the kids… they both just love to be backwards kids, even down to the undies… ouch!
In the outfit above, Abby not only is wearing her top, shorts and even her undies backwards, but she also has 1 arm through the neck hole. No outfit is complete without at least 10 bracelets and a few necklaces. We had to leave the house shortly after this and thankfully she let me “restyle” the outfit she was wearing… but insisted on leaving on all of the “jewelry” and even added a pair of pink polka dot sunglasses… which she wore the entire time we were in the store!!!
Gotta love kids!!
That is too funny! And quite adorable. My six year old has pretty good fashion sense. It amazes me. 🙂
I love letting the kids dress themselves… most days! 😉 It’s always interesting to see what they come up with.