Craft Time Weeks 13-20

After my last collective craft time post, I was thinking of highlighting my weekly crafts on a monthly basis… um yeah… so it looks like this time the month lasted 6 weeks 😉

It’s been a tough few weeks as far as crafting goes. In the past 6+ weeks, I have come to the conclusion that

1) Abby’s white sweater will not be completed as she has already outgrown the size that I started…
2) I’m such a procrastinator (oh wait I knew that already)
3) I have crafter’s ADD – I quickly lose interest in projects if they take too long or I don’t have everything to finish it (I sort of knew this too, but it was confirmed again)
4) I am terrible at documenting the finished product before it gets used!

Good news is though, that I actually did do a craft of some sort in 6 of the last 7 weeks (though for 1 or 2 weeks I may have stretched the meaning of the word craft). The bad news is that I don’t have a photo of everything that I did and 1 craft was even thrown away… but more on that when we get to it.

Week 13

I-Spy bottles… I’ve gotten them 95% done, the thing that I still need to do is print out a picture of what I hid in each of them and Modge Podge those to the lids… *sigh* This project is a total procrastination failure so far, but I hope that Photoshop and I will have some time to finish it in the near future. In the mean time… enjoy some colored rice =)

Weeks 14 -16

Week 14… wow, what do I have to say to that other than a 5+ ft high 4+ ft wide vinyl project that I designed in Photoshop (using brushes I found online from the Green Bulb Gang) and then cut out using my Cricut and MTC software. I put in on a bare wall up in the loft/playroom and think it looks perfect there!

Week 15… I completed a crochet project that I started last summer. It’s a little stuffed brown bear for Abby and as you may see, I still have to get it in front of the camera… it’s a little shy 😉

Week 16 was the week I painted the Color Blank… and Easter eggs 🙂

Weeks 17 – 19

Week 17… This week I stretched the word craft. I made some home made play dough for the kids (no pictures sorry!). Noah loved it, Abby wasn’t sure if she should touch it or eat it. I also made a batch of jewelry clay (using a recipe I found here). I had hoped to make some cute beads with it, but I never really got the time to sit down and use it so I ended up just throwing it away. I do hope to make it again in the near future and make some beads =)

Week 18… I stretched the word again this week. My sister had asked me a few weeks earlier if I would shorten and hem some curtains for her, so that is what I did this week. I used the some of the fabric that I cut off to make her tie backs for her newly shortened curtains. While I did take a few pictures of the tie backs while I was making them, I didn’t think to take a picture of the finished project. =(

Week 19 and 20… this week was mostly a week resting from crafts… mainly because the weather was beautiful for a few days!!! Summer came early and the kids and I were outside most days… that is until a cold spell came through again and it once again felt like early spring instead of mid May. Soooo, towards the end of the week I decided to pick up my knitting needles again and knit myself a lightweight Spring/Summer scarf. So that’s what I’ve been working on since last Thursday.

Soooo…. there you have it… more words than photos, but I have been trying to keep with it. I loved sewing the tie backs and curtains, and am thinking that for the next few weeks I should concentrate on sewing projects.  I have a few things in mind, but we’ll see what I end up doing =)

I’ll end this with another photo… I just wanted to show you how big the vinyl project is… when compared to a 3 foot tall toddler 😉

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