

I’ve taken a break… my reader is overflowing with post after post yet to be read and I cut back the amount of time that I spent online these past two weeks. Instead I have been reading, and reading, and reading some more. When I wasn’t reading, I was spending time with my husband while watching a movie (or the occasional hockey game – Go Blackhawks!!), crocheting (pictures to come once the toys are stuffed and finished) and contemplating whether or not it is a good idea to make handmade soap in a home with two small children (if you have experience with this, your thoughts are greatly appreciated!).

Bliss Read More »

The Just Post – Post

Somewhere along the line I forgot what it’s like to just post… not a post with an update on the kids… not a post with pictures of the kids… not a review or a giveaway… just a post… my thoughts, cohesive or not… whatever.

This post will be just that… if I can manage it that is. My brain is fried… my eyes hurt from being so tired. It is almost midnight and I should really be in bed.

The Just Post – Post Read More »

Home Features

If you’d like to find out the one thing Ray and I would not want in our next house… if and when we were ever to move again… then you should go over to

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When Church Bells Ring

The town that I lived in in Germany was a very small one… it has a population of about 530 and I like to joke that there are more cows and livestock than people living there. I loved that almost everyone knew each other and that neighbors watched out for each other… you didn’t see much of that in the huge Chigago suburbs.

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An Open Letter

I have been neglecting this little space of the web lately. It’s been so nice outside, so the kids and I have been spending quite a bit of time out playing and enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather. I do plan on getting things back on track though this week. To start out the week though, I thought I would write an open letter to our neighbor (WARNING: It’s a bit of a rant).

An Open Letter Read More »

How will we bond?

I look at my little girl sleeping peacefully here on the couch next to me and I can’t help but smile. She’s a noisy little thing and is always making noises of one kind or another… in my mind, I have nicknamed her “Squeaker”.

I can admit now that I had my doubts before she was born. While I knew that I loved this little person growing in me, I didn’t feel as connected to her as I had felt with her brother….

How will we bond? Read More »

A little help from you…

I need your help… if you look down a little, there is a survey that is just begging to be filled out. By filling it out, you’ll not only be helping me get to know my readers (that’s you!!!) better, but it will also let me know if the reviews and giveaways I’ve been doing and am planning are the right ones for the majority of you.

A little help from you… Read More »