
2 Years and Counting

Two years ago today Ray and I were in the middle of trying to put up crown molding in the master bedroom… it was our first time and thank goodness none of the kids were born yet, because if I remember correctly there were a few choice four letter words being used regularly by at least one of us. I was 20 weeks pregnant and Ray and I had just found out a few days earlier that we were having a boy (hello Noah!!).

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Spring Break

It’s spring break and I’ll admit that even though I have quite a bit of studying to do, I am happy to not have to drive in to school this week. Sure I only go in on one night a week, but even that has been a bit much these past two weeks. So much so, that for the past two weeks I have only gone to class long enough to take a quiz or exam and then I drove back home.

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Not a very Foto Friday

I’m skipping Foto Friday today. Most of the day today was spent following a half naked Noah trying to make sure that he doesn’t pee on the carpet… I was not about to document that with photo’s and get all of the pervs on here… though I do have to say he has the sweetest most adorable little tushie! 😉

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F-ing Cancer

Cancer frigging sucks… we have had more than our fair share here in my family. My Opa (my mom’s dad) had lung and stomach cancer, his sister – my great aunt – passed away after battling colon cancer for years… an aunt of mine had breast cancer… and now I find out that the prostate cancer that my uncle has is spreading fast (faster than his doctor his seen before) and it’s not responding to treatment.

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An Apology

My dearest Heiney,

I’m am writing this to apologize – I have treated you terribly in the past few months. I will try my best to make it up to you if you let me. Let me just explain what happened…

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Call me Rudolph

So… as I mentioned earlier this week, Noah has been sick since the beginning of the week. At first we thought that he was cutting teeth, seeing that his two top I teeth and a molar were on the verge of popping through.

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New – Giveaway Blogger Linky

Are you a blogger who hosts giveaways on your blog? If so, then you may want to check this out. I’ve started a new Giveaway Bloggers page where you can link up your blog to a static list!

For my readers… this will hopefully give you a chance to be able to go from one giveaway blog to the next without a lot of searching or typing, giving you more time to enter, enter, enter!!

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