Foto Friday

foto friday

Noah window watching 001 foto friday 8.21.09

Noah window watching 017 foto friday 8.21.09

It is fall weather outside today and if it weren’t for the green leaves on the trees, I would swear that  it’s October and not August. Since it is nice and cool and not hot and humid, I opened the windows this morning to get some fresh air in the house. Our neighbors are taking part in the annual neighborhood garage sale this weekend and the two boys were outside playing. Noah was being little Mr Nosy and I just had to take a picture of it. He just looked too cute standing there on his tip toes pointing and shouting to the boys.

In other updates… Noah took his first steps alone yesterday!! Look out world… we have another walker on the loose!! He was so proud of himself and had the biggest grin ever on his little face.

11 thoughts on “Foto Friday”

  1. Noah looks so handsome (and big) in these photos. It is like he knows that he will soon be able to join the boys in running around the yard and having fun on a cool summer day.

  2. Envious of your fall weather today – it’s beyond bearably hot and humid here today. And Yay for your little man walking!!!

  3. Yay Noah for taking his first steps!! He is too adorable in that shirt! I love pics of kids looking out in windows. =)

  4. Hey! It’s so much fun when they just start walking. I miss that stage. Fall is soon to be here. I think it’s coming early this year. šŸ™‚

  5. These pictures are adorable. Thanks so much for sharing them.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I think I’ve finally gotten everything on my daughter’s list. Now we just have to get through the first day. I’m going to be a wreck. I’ll be sure to take pictures so that I can share that special day with you all.

  6. It is not showing the first picture:( But the second one is cute. Adela would scream hi to everyone thru the window.

    The weather was awesome. The air was crisp and fresh!

    Taking his first steps! What a big guy!!

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