Foto Friday 9/11/09

foto friday

Noah Potty and Bath foto friday 9.11.09

Like I had mentioned in my last post, Noah has started using the potty earlier this week. Little did I know then just how comfortable he would become with it. Since yesterday, he has not only been using it for the small stuff… no he’s been really using it!!! I thought I was imagining it when I saw him grunt, but no… it was the real deal. He did it again today too. This picture was taken right after one of his sittings. Doesn’t he just look so proud of himself?

I hope you all have a great weekend – if you don’t hear from me before Monday, it’s because we’re celebrating my brother-in-law’s birthday tomorrow and then I’m going to be at the U2 concert at Soldier Field with my sister on Sunday!!! I will try to check in sometime tomorrow though.

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