Happy Halloween from Noacula

Move over Rob Pattinson you’ve got some stiff competition coming your way in the vampire department!! Meet…


He’s the cutest little vampire in the US!!

Halloween 2009 042

Halloween 2009 044

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Halloween 2009 057

Noah had fun helping me answer the door and pass out the candy (to the few kids that came – we had about 20)… I think he just loved the ooo’s and aaah’s he got! He wasn’t too sure about going to other peoples houses to trick or treat though, so we only went to two… besides it was way too cold!

I baked pumpkin seeds last night – seriously one of the part parts of carving a pumpkin is baking the seeds! Anyway Ray was chilling on the couch eating some when Noah came up reached in the bowl, grabbed on and popped it in his mouth! We both thought that it would be spit out just as quickly, but no… he loved them and come back for a few more! Just what I needed- another family member who will eat all of my seeds! He also got to eat his first candy bar – a crunch bar – which he loved… it was too cute to watch him eat it… the first bite was very cautious and then it was just big chomps til it was gone (ok so Ray and I may have taken some bites too – the kid doesn’t need that much sugar!)!

All in all it was a very good Halloween. I hope you all enjoyed yours!! How did you spend it?

Oh! One last thing… if you want to see more Halloween posts, then check out the SITS 2nd Annual Halloween Parade!

22 thoughts on “Happy Halloween from Noacula”

  1. OMG! OMG!! Michaela, that is an adorable costume!!

    The third picture from the bottom looks like he is thinking…”That is right, baby”

    After Lindsey got back from Trick or Treating she made it her job to pass out the candy. Okay by me:)

  2. Ooooh! He looks ADORABLE. That costume compliments his adorable little face! I hope you had a great Halloween! I am stopping by from the SITS blogroll!

  3. OH LOVE his costume!…and I can’t believe he likes pumpkin seeds…must be in the genes….!! YOu’ll have to hoard some extra now….I’m so glad you had a great halloween!

  4. Yeah, that has got to be the cutest little vampire I have ever seen! Adorable! Those pictures are amazing too 🙂

    Our trick or treat was Thursday night. Last night we went to Chipotle for free burritos!

    Glad you had a wonderful Halloween!

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