Hello again….

It’s so good to say hello again!

We are back from our short but fun vacation in Florida. There will be a post (or 2 or 3) to follow soon about it, but not right now and not today. It has been a whirlwind of excitement since Thursday and though we had a lot of fun, we all are happy to be able to sleep in our own beds again! In fact, Noah has probably slept more today than he has all weekend!!!

I can’t wait to get caught up with returning comments and my reader… you all have been busy – there are over 290 posts to read in there right now! I do want to thank all of you right now though for all congrats wishes to our big news… the shock of finding out we’re having a girl has passed and the preparations for her birth are beginning! We now have to turn our 2 bedroom home into a 3 bedroom home – which means no loft and who knows where with the computers… but that will get worked out too.

Noah is 15 months old today and goes in for his check up tomorrow morning… so be prepared to get the update on him too (I know that he has grown and gained a bunch of weight since his 12 month visit… that boy is getting heavy!!!). But for now I will say goodnight!

4 thoughts on “Hello again….”

  1. Hi there! Stopping by from SITS. Congratulations on the little girl!! Your little one is going to be a big brother. That’s great news for everyone.

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