Buzz Lightyear {Foto Friday}

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Not long ago Ray and I found the perfect pair of pj’s for Noah… a fleece footed pj with Buzz Lightyear on it (Noah’s room is one of the coldest in the house in the winter). We bought it in 18 months and it just looked huge, so I didn’t think that it would fit all to well right now… I was wrong! Ray dressed him in it while I was at class last night and I about died when I saw Noah in them… he looked so proud and so cute to be wearing the new pajamas! I tried taking some pictures of him in them this morning, but getting him to sit still was like trying to catch a fish bare handed… next to impossible!! These are the few shots that I did get…

Buzz Lightyear pj's 001

Getting out of the rocking chair as soon as he saw the camera (with his monkey – George)

Buzz Lightyear pj's 002

The pj’s say it all – he was in action all right… the hero part… eh

Buzz Lightyear pj's 004

Taking a break to slobber chew on the drawstring of my pants… no clue what that was all about!

8 thoughts on “Buzz Lightyear {Foto Friday}”

  1. OMG! I my son JUST picked these PJs out in TJMaxx this week!! How funny.
    My son is a 4 &I thought they looked huge too… but they fit!

    And I just wanted to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for letting me know you haven’t received my feeds since the 6th. I thought maybe I was going crazy. I got some help from @blahblahblogger , so I am hoping that everything is back to normal. Did you subscribe through feedburner or google connect? Just curious.

    WordPress is getting a little easier, but boy is there a lot to learn!

  2. So sad, when we think they are humongous and fit them perfectly, means that they are getting bigger, sniffle/sniffle. He’s adorable and love how fitting of a theme they are for the pictures you tried to take of him.

  3. I love the blur of the second photo. Show him in motion:)

    I remember when Lindsey was into Toy Story. She would have loved them Jammies.

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