Doing some Blog-keeping

I’ve decided to do some blog-keeping…  sure I still have housework to do and should probably have done that… but it was our vacation and the housework can wait until today!

So, instead this past weekend I spent some time at the Mom Bloggers Club and made sure that who I was following in Networked Blogs Group was up to date.

Since that is done now, I thought I would move over to my blog. I’m now going through my followers on Google Friend Connect and will be following back anyone who has a blog listed on there.

If by the end of the week, you should happen to notice that I haven’t followed you back, please let me know so that I can return the favor (it could be that it got overlooked – hey I’m human! or that you’re still following me through my old blogger acct which redirects over here). =)

9 thoughts on “Doing some Blog-keeping”

  1. Blogkeeping is always more fun than housekeeping anyways.

    I should do some soon myself, ive been so wrapped up in the wordpress move…nightmare… im pretty sure ive lost all my subscribers. lol

  2. I love your site!! It’s beautiful! I am housework phobic! But I have teenagers so I get them to “clean”!

  3. I like that term “blog-keeping”… that would definitely describe how I spent my day today. Although, I probably should have been doing the real housekeeping. I told my neighbor that it looked like someone had broken into my house and made it a mess! Good excuse?

  4. He He!! Yeah!! I saw you gettin’ busy with the Mom Bloggers Group:)

    I prefer to blogkeep than housekeep. I can sit on my tushi!!! I am the queen of Lazytown!!

  5. Hi Michaela,

    Thanks for the follow. I’ve added you to my followers blogroll. I love blogkeeping but a few days ago I had to buckle down and do some housekeeping.:)

    Enjoy your weekend.

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