Pumpkin carving {Foto Friday}

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I know that I am posting this late on a few counts… 1) it is almost 9pm and 2) these are pictures that were taken on the 30th of Oct.

I wanted to show how much fun Noah had while carving his first pumpkin though… so here they are.

pumpkin carving

Watching daddy cut the top

pumpkin carving 1

Helping take the top off of the pumpkin

pumpkin carving 2

Getting rid of some of the guts!

pumpkin carving 3

Helping daddy scoop out the guts… Mama hates this part!

pumpkin carving 4

mpkin carving 5

pumpkin carving 6

Admiring the finished pumpkin!!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We had a busy day driving to both of our moms houses and we spent much of today just relaxing (okay and maybe just a little shopping, but I was not out at the crack of dawn!)

8 thoughts on “Pumpkin carving {Foto Friday}”

  1. Great pictures. Those are wonderful memories to have and create! I didn’t get to do it with my twins…But I make up for it now. The camera is always in there faces.
    Thanks for sharing.
    oh yes…I popped over from SITS too and so glad I did.
    .-= Lala´s last blog ..Thompson~Preview =-.

  2. OH! This is so sweet! It reminds me of my daughter’s first pumpkin carving. I have a similar picture of her beaming back at the Jack ‘O Lantern at the end. Precious! Stopping by from SITS. Thanks for your visit! 🙂

  3. Those are SO ADORABLE. I can’t wait until we have a little to carve pumpkins with! 🙂 It looks like he did an excellent job!

  4. SUCH ADORABLE Pics!! really great photography. My favorite is definitely the last one…

    PS- your house looks crazy spotless- how do you do it?!? was this done in a show home??…come on – you can tell me, I wont tell. 😉
    .-= complicated mama´s last blog ..Everything is cuter mini =-.

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