Wow, just wow!

My SITS day has ended and all I can say is wow!!! I went to bed last night with a few comments already in my inbox and when I woke up this morning – holy cow! I think my laptop and inbox were steaming they were working so hard! The same thing happened again this afternoon once I was able to find some time to log on again. I was prepared for some comment love, but seriously you guys (gals) ROCK!!! I’ve had over 1500 page views today, I got over 30 new followers and 350 comments (not including the entries to the Hugg-A-Planet giveaway), I’ve had quite a few laughs and was brought to tears a few times as well. It was a great, great , great day!!! Did I mention it was a great day? Oh yeah… it was. I think I’m still up in the clouds.

All of that comment love even made me forget that the first words out of my husband’s mouth this evening were him asking what “smelled like butt” as soon as he walked through the door (I cooked kohlrabi, and anyone who’s ever cooked that knows that it had a strong smell – like cauliflower, but it doesn’t smell like butt). I was even in such a good mood, that I baked a batch of milk chocolate chip cookies (must stress the milk chocolate, because he doesn’t like bittersweet – my fave!) just for him… ok I may have had a few cookies too, but the cook has to taste test right? I still prefer bittersweet chocolate… just saying.

I’ve been trying to work my way through all of the comments (I got them all emailed to me… once again wow!), but my eyes started to go crazy and cross eyed, so I thought… heck why not write a quick post!?! So here I am. I can’t wait to start digging my way through the emails and visiting all of the blogs. I have a feeling though that it may take a while for me to get through them all, but I am determined (and I don’t have any homework for the next few weeks so that means more time after Noah’s in bed!)

With that said though, it’s now midnight… I’ve already roll called and paid the new FB a visit, sort of watched/listened to a rerun of the last Friends episode while typing this and reading emails and… for the past 1 1/2 hours have checked the monitor every 5 minutes to make sure that Noah’s still sleeping (which he is!!). I think that it’s finally time for bed… before he wakes up again… I’m crossing my fingers that he doesn’t wake before 4!!

15 thoughts on “Wow, just wow!”

  1. Yes, I am behind. Way behind. Happy (belated) SITS day to you! Sounds like it was a fabulous day for you 🙂
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Who needs socks? =-.

  2. It’s so much fun, huh?! I loved it too! But I wasn’t ever able to get to everyone as hard as I tried. Maybe you’ll do better than I did. LOL Good luck!! ;0)

    {Oh and I totally am with you…bittersweet chocolate all the way!!}
    .-= Megan´s last blog ..Not Me, Monday! =-.

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