Waiting {Foto Friday}

Foto Friday Button

Ray took some photo’s of Noah the other day for us to use in our Christmas cards (that I still need to design and send!! I promise myself I will work on this today because my prior deadline that I set was the 15th – oops!!) Noah was in such a great mood and was being a bit of a ham, so I thought I would post one of the pictures that we decided mot to use, but one that I still really like.

Christmastime 004

He looked like he was waiting by the tree… waiting for Santa to bring him something…

I’m using a new temporary photo editing software and am getting used to it. It seems that I can’t find the disc that held my installation copy of PhotoImpact 12… that’s the program I had been using… so I can’t use any of my saved work like my watermarks and such. It’s a bit of a pain, but I’m getting over it… slowly. =) I’m also trying to get used to the fact that I have a much smaller visual area to work with on the laptop than I had on the desktop… though that is taking a bit longer to get used to!! But it’s all for little girl – she needs a room, so our desktops and office area had to go.

Edit: I wanted to mention that Paula over at Frosted Fingers is featuring five of her favorite mommy blogs and mine was one of them! Her blog is brand new (started this week) so why not stop by and say hi to her!?

17 thoughts on “Waiting {Foto Friday}”

  1. Aww, that’s such a great picture! I’ve decided to skip Christmas cards this year, because we’re going to be sending out birth announcements in a week or so anyways. Yes, I am using my pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy =D
    .-= Cori´s last blog ..Snow ? Apocalypse =-.

  2. That’s an adorable picture!!!

    And I’m late on my cards too…..my Prior deadline was the 16th….however now I’m thinking they may just have to be Merry ChristmasKawanzaNewyears cards 🙂
    .-= sarah´s last blog ..Good? Sure it is! =-.

  3. Now those pictures are too cute. I love both of your kids. The two-legged and 4-legged. I wish I had some decent pictures of Taffy. I ams not a very good photographer. Thanks for following me.


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