I hope that you all had a good New Years Eve. Like I wrote yesterday, ours was pretty low key. Ray ended up falling asleep on the couch. He did wake up in time to go upstairs to get ready for bed and was awake at midnight, so all was okay! (Hey you just have to get that midnight kiss!!)
So here I sit on New Years morning as Noah is playing with his mountain of toys while watching and clapping along to The Sunny Side Up Show on Sprout (or as we like to call it… baby crack!). As I’m watching my boy play and my husband snore softly on the couch, I’m thinking of what my resolutions for 2010 will be. I know one that it will not be (well for the first few months at least)… lose weight. That would be a bit counter productive given my current situation! ha! Speaking of which… I am now in my 3rd trimester!!!! Yay!!! Yes that’s right, we are 27 weeks today!
So without further ado, here are my resolutions for the new year…
- Finish up any and all projects that haven’t been completed. I’m mainly thinking of crafting projects (I have way too many to list here, I’m thinking a separate post is necessary so that I can hold myself accountable), but I will include any small projects that need to be completed in the house (like putting up curtains in the master bedroom, childproofing the bathroom cabinets and under the kitchen sink).
- Eat healthier – I (we) need to make sure that we eat more nutritious meals and eat out less. That means that I will hopefully add to my cooking skills this year!
- Become a better blogger. That includes finding a way to write posts, read other blogs and return comments without feeling over-whelmed or like I’m neglecting something. I still have so many bloggers that I want to visit who came to visit me on my SITS day and I will not feel comfortable until I do. At the same time, I don’t want to not post anything (giving myself more time to visit others)… so that’s something I want to work on too. =) I know blogging is an addiction, but I love it and am glad that I have met some really good friends because of it!
I’m starting out small and will leave it at those three. After all, I want to be able to achieve what I am resolving to do and I know that if I add more to my list I won’t be as likely to do so (believe me as I type this I can think of a hundred other things that I would love to add!). How about you? Do you have any resolutions for the new year and if so, which one is most important to you?
I wish I could commit to finishing all my little craft projects… finishing stuff is not my strength! (well, unless there are deadlines)
.-= Rachel Cotterill´s last blog ..2009 Retrospective =-.
Just, as you ask, I don’t understand all this resolutions thing, I already do my best in my life, I try to live well and accomplish my duties, why impose myself goals? yes, I have wishes and commitments, but they don’t have a time limit.
Sorry, but I read everywhere about resolutions and I just don’t get it.
.-= Alessandra´s last blog ..I wish it. =-.
Good luck getting your projects completed!! Hubby wants to get all of our house projects completed this year too! {and believe me, we have A LOT…he’s not the best with follow-thru. lol}
.-= Megan´s last blog ..Fragmented Aloha Friday: Happy New Year! =-.
Oh and Happy New Year!! =)
.-= Megan´s last blog ..Fragmented Aloha Friday: Happy New Year! =-.
The most important one for me this year is to implement the use of ‘green’ cleaning products in my house. I’m going to be making my own from Four Thieves Vinegar and lavender etc. I’ll start small, but by the time my LO is crawling, hope to have all the cleaners in the house be non-chemical. and I want to waste less food. Very important! Good luck to you with yours. You are right. Chosing a few important ones is better than not achieving many small ones!
.-= Luschka´s last blog ..January’s Tortures Life Detox =-.
Best of luck to you!!
Happy New Year!
All the best on those resolutions!!! Wishing you and yours a wonderful new year!
.-= Working Mommy´s last blog ..Just For Fun – HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! =-.
Happy New Year!
Wow! Your third trimester! Time flies!
My resolutions are:
Well the ole favorite, eat healthier and start exercising!
Also scrapbook one page a week.
Mandatory, Only buy what we have too, things are getting way to tight. eek:(
.-= Vickie´s last blog ..Happy New Year!! =-.