Tell it Tuesday – It’s all random!

  • So this is not only the first Tell It Tuesday in a long time, but also the first in 2010. I just hooked up the web cam I got for Christmas and am in the middle of setting it up. One of my blogging goals this year is to start vlogging… I guess that means that I may be drying my hair more often now instead of just pulling it back into my “mama-bun” (and I’ll probably be sporting a little make-up too – not something I do everyday)!
  • I finally went online to check last semesters grades and (insert drum-roll here), I have a 4.0 average! I knew that I was getting an A in my Speech class and had a good feeling about the other, but the teacher never gave us any grade updates so I just went by what I thought. I am so happy about this and hope to keep the “A” streak going! The next semester will be starting in 2 weeks and I’m taking one Telecourse, which is supposed to be 18 weeks long, but I can complete it as quickly as I like (and I plan on being done with it by the time baby girl is born) and I’m taking one class that I have to go in for once a week for 3 hours.  My only concern is after the baby is born… I will be gone for at least 4 hours one night a week… and I’m breastfeeding (umm… I mean I will be then – i”m not now). She will have to get used to drinking from the boob and the bottle pretty quickly, because if she’s anything like her brother then she’ll be an every 2 hour eater… and I mean every 2 hours on the dot and not a minute later!
  • I am pissed that our health insurance changed (for the worse). That is all I will say, because if I say any more than that I may never shut up and I’ll be getting way, way to political for my own liking even here on my own blog.
  • I’m sick of the cold weather… it is not supposed to get warmer than 20 degrees for the rest of the week. Sure it’s January in Chicagoland, but still… this is February weather for Pete’s sake! My son has ice on the inside of his bedroom windows!! We seriously contemplated having him start sleeping in our room, because it’s warmer in there than it is in his… We still had him sleep in his room last night though – in nice warm footed fleece pj’s (w/ an extra pair of socks on underneath them) and we opened his bedroom door once we went to bed to let more warm air in. It seemed to work that way and this morning his hands weren’t little balls of ice like they were in nights past.
  • Noah has been sleeping much better – he did have a little bit of a rough night last night, but overall he has improved his sleeping habits by so much! He’s even fussing less at nap time and sleeps anywhere from 1 3/4 hours to 3 hours (or more if I would have let him today) at nap time. He is down to 1 nap per day, but I can live with that especially when it lasts for 3 hours!
  • Noah is also cutting at least 3 teeth right now. His two top “I” teeth (or vampire teeth as I like to call them) are just about through and I know of at least 1 molar that is trying to make its way out. He doesn’t really let me stick my finger in his mouth to check, so I can only guess that the other molars are working on their way up and out too… but I’m not willing to sacrifice fingers to find that out! ha!
  • For the time being we have decided to put the loft conversion on hold and instead of making it a bedroom, we’ll keep it as a play room instead. We do need to repaint (I’m hoping it’s okay to use low VOC paints in the winter without any ventilation. Anyone have any experience with that?) and add some storage to the room, but otherwise it’s ready to go. I’ll be happy when I can move all of the toys in there, instead of having them take over every other room they are in!

That’s it for this week! If any of you have used low VOC paints before I would love to hear what you think of it!

16 thoughts on “Tell it Tuesday – It’s all random!”

  1. sucks that you’re living in the freaking freezing cold! but it’s good to know that we’re (my family) not alone! i’m happy to hear that you’re a midwestern girl like myself – even though we may be rivals…Chicago vs St.Louis 🙂 and FYI it won’t warm up for like another week or 2…average temp these past couple months, 17 degrees!

    Congrats on the 4.0…that’s so great!! what an accomplishment!

    and the noah eating every 2 hours – i think that’s a boy thing. my daughter and my son have two totally different outlooks on food/eating. addi hardly ever ate…and conner eats non-stop! hopefully baby girl will give you a break (or her dad a break) while you’re attending school.

    good luck this semester!

    1. Thanks!

      I can’t wait to see what she will be like. If she’ll be as hungry as her brother or more laid back with the whole eating thing.

      Oh – and we’re only rivals in hockey as far as I’m concerned… I’m a Sox fan, so there’s no rivalry there 😉

  2. I hate it that it is so cold! But not cold enough to cancel school. It was so harsh getting up early again to get the kids ready for school.

    Woo Hoo to your 4.0!!

    Sorry about the insurance. When we first had Lindsey our insurance sucked! They had a cap on well child visits! Not only were we paying for the crappy insurance, but we then had to pay for the doctors visit and the vaccine injections!!
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..Happy New Year!! =-.

    1. Thanks! Too bad it wasn’t just a little colder (only in your town of course ha!) so that the girls could stay home with you!!
      We had great insurance up til now, but since the first the premiums and deductible have gone up and the benefits have gone down so it’s very upsetting.

    1. I feel the same way! I don’t leave the house unless I absolutely have to!
      I’m not sure if anyone will want to watch the vlogs either, but I thought it would be fun to try 😉

  3. Congratulations on the straight A’s! Best of luck to you as you begin the new semester. I am stressing out over how to wrap up projects at work prior to Joycelen’s arrival, I am not sure I could handle a school course.
    .-= Kimberly Lee´s last blog ..Goals for 2010 – Fitness =-.

    1. I think if I were working I wouldn’t be able to handle school either! I’m a little apprehensive about this semester too. We’ll see how it goes once she’s born.

  4. I’m so not a fan of the cold either. Has put me in sort of a funk. Can’t wait for it to warm up. Congrats on the great grades! Keep up the hard work!

  5. Did you get all the snow on your side of the lake like we did? We got 28 inches over here from lake effect.

    Awesome grades at school. You rock!
    .-= blueviolet´s last blog ..Igor =-.

    1. We didn’t get that much – I think we have maybe (and I may be stretching it by saying this) 10 inches total. Call me crazy, but I was actually hoping for more snow!

  6. So sorry you are dealing with the cold! I remember when I lived in Rhode Island, I had an apartment with one heater in the living room. We had to bundle up big time before bed and also slept with hot water bottles wrapped in baby blankets to give us a little extra warmth. Every morning I would put my son’s clothes on the heater and flip them a few times just to warm them up. I do not miss it!

    Congrats on the A’s!!!! That is really wonderful!
    .-= Kelly B´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday =-.

    1. Wow! Now that’s cold! I have to say we’ve added blankets to the bed before, but haven’t resorted to using hot water bottles (though that’s a good tip and one I’ll keep in mind!). I don’t blame you for not missing the cold – I don’t think I would miss it either.

  7. Congrats on your 4.0! thats awesome!! 🙂
    Id love to go back to school one day.

    Glad to hear Noah is sleeping better– my Princess on the other hand is just starting her midnight callings… she was sleeping through the night at 3wks— so this is a huge shock to our system.

    o and I hate the cold too!… Im in total hibernation mode.
    .-= complicated mama´s last blog ..2010 TREND ALERT! =-.

  8. Sorry to hear about your princesses sleeping problems, especially since she had been sleeping through the night for so long!
    Yeah, the cold sucks – at least we haven’t gotten dumped on with snow like you guys did!

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