Tell it Tuesday – Killer Icicle edition

  • I was going to vlog this edition and get some use out of my new web cam, but I thought it might be too scary to show you what I look like at 6:30 AM. You can thank me for that later!
  • I am almost done with my second craft project – Yay!! I hope to be able to finish the blanker for baby girl today and cross that off of the list. I will naturally take a picture of it to show you all =) I also found Noah’s baby sampler while cleaning out the master closet last week, so I just need to take a picture of that and post it too.
  • 6:30 AM is not a good time for me to get up anymore… just saying.
  • I had my 27/28 week appointment last Wednesday. I loved being able to see baby girl again! She is becoming so much more active and likes kicking Noah when he’s resting with me on my lap… ahh and so the sibling rivalry begins!
  • Noah has begun saying Dada more frequently when referring to Ray! It was so cute yesterday to see him pick up his play phone, and when I asked him who he was talking to, reply “Dada?”  Thank you all for the comments you left in my last post about his talking (or lack there of). You’re right, he’s just a late developer and I just need to relax about it. He will be talking non-stop soon enough and I should enjoy this time right now! =)
  • Storytime starts again this week. I love Storytime and so does Noah! It usually takes him a few minutes to warm up and become less clingy and reserved, but once that happens… watch out! This is our second month doing Storytime and I’m so happy we started going. Not only does it get us out of the house, but it also gives Noah the chance to play with other little kids. Next week we also start a new class for him through the local Park District. I’m hoping he will have fun with that as well!
  • OH CRUD! I just checked to make sure of the start time and day and saw that it’s not next week, but today!!! Glad I checked!!!
  • Okay, with that I must go… I hope that you all had a fantabulous weekend and have a great week this week.
  • Oh – why the killer icicle edition? Because we have (had) 2 icicles that were about 4 foot long hanging from our gutters… 1 of them was right over our front entrance and just waiting to fall and spear someone (like the mailman or UPS guy!). SOOOO being the great guy that he is, my husband destroyed the killer icicle… (well I came up with the idea of how to do it… open the window right by it and push it to it’s death!). We’ve left the other one up, because it’s at the back of the house, but I have a feeling I will be taking that one down soon too. I’d just hate for something bad to happen!

5 thoughts on “Tell it Tuesday – Killer Icicle edition”

  1. I used to just love taking my son to story time at the library 🙂 It is so nice to get out of the house for a while and interact with other humans : ). Hope you have a wonderful time at your new activity!

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