Top 10 reasons why I love blogging

If you had asked me 18 months ago what I thought about blogging I probably would have looked at you with a blank stare and a shy smile and asked “What?”  That all has changed and I am addicted! Here are my Top 10 Reasons why I love blogging:

  1. It’s nice to lose yourself in a blog that you can relate to.
  2. It’s a great place learn. From crafts to cooking, there’s so much to find out!
  3. It’s a great outlet for people who love to write. I used to keep a journal, now I blog and the whole world can read it if they want to.
  4. You can make money blogging. Well they say you can. I haven’t yet, but they say you can!
  5. You can win some great things. There are so many review bloggers that host giveaways that you can win almost anything!
  6. You can gripe and moan and let it all out, without looking up to see the person you’re talking to roll their eyes at you. They just might not leave you a comment!
  7. It’s a great way to keep family and friends all over the world up to date with your life.
  8. The sense of community among bloggers is unbeatable! They stick together through the good and the bad, the happy and sad.
  9. Who needs the news when you have blogs? Word travels fast among bloggers and chances are they’ve covered a story faster than some news stations have!
  10. It is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Without blogging I never would have met Stefany, Vickie, Corine (aka Complicated Mama), Kara, Lesley, Kat and so many more great and fabulous women. I could go on and on listing them all, but I think we’ll save that post for a later day. I have yet to meet any of these women in real life but I there is a connection to each and every one of them and I am so happy to have them as my bloggy friends!!!

So there you have it. Those are just 10 of the reasons why I love blogging. I’d love to know how you got started blogging… or if you don’t blog what captures you in the blogs that you read?

19 thoughts on “Top 10 reasons why I love blogging”

  1. I’ve always been a writer and used to write tons of poetry. In recent years that muse has left me, which left me feeling really frustrated. I started blogging our backpacking holiday, then fell pregnant and started blogging that journey and then started a blog as a new parent, and decided to combine the three blogs in to one, which is my new blog. I am totally addicted too – I follow about 60 blogs. That will change as my LO gets older and requires more attention though.
    .-= Luschka´s last blog ..Resolutions – One Week On =-.

    1. You’re right, it does get harder to follow as many blogs when the little one starts moving more and gets older. I follow 138 blogs and subscribe to another 60 and there is no way that I can keep up with them all, which is probably why my reader hasn’t been down to 0 in a very long time!

  2. Women are typically the more social of the two sexes, and blogging allows me to be social in a far more ‘efficient’ manner….I get to see all of them, everyday, via Twitter and Google Reader! 🙂
    .-= Honey B.´s last blog ..Sunday Brain Slumber =-.

  3. I love blogging, too!

    I love the connections I’ve made with bloggers from all over, whether I just know them from inside my computer or I’ve been lucky to meet them in real life!
    .-= Shannon´s last blog ..It worked! =-.

    1. I started blogging just to keep my distant family members involved in the pregnancy, birth and growth of my first child. It has now become less about keeping them involved, and more about me keeping an online babybook, journal and log of our lives. I had the blog printed into a book for my daughter’s first birthday, and plan on doing it for Christmas every year hereafter… so we’ll have a year in our lives in one book.
      .-= Sara´s last blog ..Ray’s Birthday =-.

  4. Oh Cupcake was nice…but there is talk of another gathering of regional bloggers. I’m going to start a list and (if you want), I’ll add your blog to it. Stay warm! (and we talked about all these things in a group…it was really great to hear why everyone blogs).

    1. Depending on when the next gathering is, I would love to go {so yes, please add my blog to the list =)}!
      We’re having a real heat spell right now – it’s in the 30’s! Hope it’s a little warmer up north where you are =)

  5. Love your list!!! It really is amazing how much we fall in love with our blogs and blogging community. I too am having every year made into a hard cover book. It’s our family history and I can’t wait to see each year on our bookshelf.
    .-= Amanda (Garibay Soup)´s last blog ..7 Weeks Down… 33 To Go =-.

  6. I agree with all of these things! I started blogging for some exposure to my hair-bow business, and now I hardly ever even refer to it, because I have been caught up in the friendships, and the storytelling! I am totally addicted as well! I’ve missed you!
    .-= Xazmin´s last blog ..This is the year….AGAIN! =-.

  7. I agree with each and every one of your reasons. I have met some absolutely wonderful people on here since I’ve been blogging. Not only that, it is helping me to come out of my shell as far as witnessing. Where I find it hard to just walk up to someone and start talking about God, my blog gives me the confidence to do so.

    Love & Prayers,


  8. I love blogging…mostly because it’s like a scrapbook for me to record all of these little things about my boys that I might otherwise forget. I’ve also won a handful of things from giveaways and it’s quite addicting to enter!
    .-= MeghanM´s last blog plan monday =-.

  9. New Reader =) I adore blogging too!!! I have met some wonderful people and read some great sites and I totally rely on the fact that my blog tells everyone everything about our journey for trying to have a baby….leaves less for me to explain =)! Glad I found your site!

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