Big Boy {Foto Friday}

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This weeks Foto Friday is more of a series… I couldn’t pick just one… I hope you enjoy!

Noah kneeling on stairs

Somebody gets excited at bedtime…

Noah sitting on stairs

but climbing all of those stairs is hard work and I need to rest.

Being shy

Once I’m upstairs I run and try to hide from Daddy…

Climbing into bed

then I make sure everyone is in bed…

Noah and the Seahorse

and go get those that aren’t

Noah laying in bed

Then it’s time to say goodnight!

Just an update – Noah spent the whole night Wednesday night in his bed!! He even took his nap on Thursday in it too. Last night he stayed in bed until 4:30am and then he wanted to go sleep on the couch. We making progress!!

I’d love to see what photo (or photo’s) you have to share this week. Feel free to link up so we can stop by!!

17 thoughts on “Big Boy {Foto Friday}”

  1. So cute! We have that same seahorse thing too. I can’t for the life of me think of what it’s called right now. Doh! It seems to help our 10 mo old go to sleep on her own though. 😀

    1. I forgot what it was called too – had to look it up… it’s the Soothe and Glow Seahorse.
      You know Noah wasn’t really too happy with it for the longest time. He’s been using it nightly now though for the past few months and I think it’s cute that he’ll turn it on himself if he wakes up in the middle of the night!

    1. It may be a little odd, but he really is happy to get ready for bed (well.. most nights). The hardest part of the bedtime routine is brushing his teeth.

    1. Thanks – yeah, he’s gotten so used to having his friends in bed with him. Most of them don’t matter too much, but the seahorse and his monkey have to be in the bed!

  2. Great pictures! He is super stinkin’ cute with that little smile of his. That’s an adorable bed too. Glad he is doing well being a BIG BOY!

  3. Poop! I missed another Friday Foto!! I am not as good as I used to be when it comes to blogging:(

    Noah is such a cutie patotie!!

    Good for him and his bed! Alright Noah, be the big boy!!

    BTW, thanks for listing me on Twitter:)
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..Happy Michaela =-.

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